International Affairs
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1999, Vol. 1998/1999 No. 1
It is now fourteen years after Ronald Reagan’s infamous ‘Star Wars’ speech, a speech that forecast American space superiority above all other world powers, based on the Strategic Defence Initiative (SDI). Yet it was this program... Read Article »
1999, Vol. 1998/1999 No. 1
The “Great Game”, as Rudyard Kipling famously referred to the art of Intelligence, is a “game” that comes with a large slice one of chance, and just like any other game there is as much chance of losing as there is of... Read Article »
1999, Vol. 1998/1999 No. 1
Imagine if your student loan determined every decision you made in your entire life… Imagine if you owed 30 times more than you could ever earn in a lifetime…. Difficult to imagine because if this situation happened in a developed... Read Article »
1999, Vol. 1998/1999 No. 1
On October 16, twenty five years after he took power in the September 1973 coup, Augusto Pinochet was detained in London. This episode had produced a series of conjectures and strange turns amongst political circles. What we have to do with... Read Article »
1999, Vol. 1998/1999 No. 2
Since the commencement of the Nato action against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY), the broadsheets have been full of debate concerning its legality. Amongst others, academics such as Noel Malcolm, Marc Weller, Christopher Greenwood, Adrian... Read Article »
1999, Vol. 1998/1999 No. 2
Once again, President Slobodan Milosevic has demonstrated his impunity towards the will of the international community. After prosecuting unsuccessful wars of aggression against Slovenia, Croatia and Bosnia-Hercegovina, the tanks of the JNA (Yugoslav... Read Article »
1997, Vol. 1996/1997 No. 1
I have not seen Goldeneye (honest!) but I do remember a clip where James Bond is admonished as a “relic” for not being able to keep up with events after the Cold War. However the quote is interesting as regards the future for the... Read Article »
1997, Vol. 1996/1997 No. 1
In March, 1996, Mrs Thatcher reinvigorated the debate over ballistic missile defence in a speech at Fulton, USA, where she conveyed an urgent message that “acquiring an effective global defence against ballistic missiles is a matter of... Read Article »
1997, Vol. 1996/1997 No. 1
In Inter-State, spring 1995, Ms K. Clancy writes about one of today’s issues, the role of feminism in the international relations theory, and unfolds her views based on the assumption that only women can end war, since women hate war, whereas... Read Article »
1997, Vol. 1996/1997 No. 1
The aim of this article is to assess the role of the Organisation of Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) in the post-Cold War era. The paper will firstly give a brief outline of the development of the Conference on Security and Co-operation... Read Article »
1997, Vol. 1996/1997 No. 2
This article is based on a paper presented at the workshop on Understanding Security and Development in Africa, University of Wales, Aberystwyth, 8th March 1997. Let me begin by briefly explaining what NGOs are. NGOs are Non-Governmental Organisations... Read Article »
1997, Vol. 1996/1997 No. 2
Africa has been portrayed as the dark continent in need of civilising, and its heathen peoples in need of enlightenment through enslavement and colonisation. Africa has been presented as a continent in the difficult throes of trying to become... Read Article »
1997, Vol. 1996/1997 No. 2
A mother makes aprons and children’s clothes and sells them in a local market. She needs money to buy materials and thread. A rickshaw driver can increase his earnings with a small motorized rickshaw, but needs the money to buy it. A coffee... Read Article »
1997, Vol. 1996/1997 No. 2
War has been an ever present phenomenon in the international system. A solution to this problem has eluded policy-makers and international relations theorists, until now. Thomas Friedman, of the New York Times, has come up with a new prescription... Read Article »
1997, Vol. 1996/1997 No. 2
E.H. Carr defined propaganda as “the specific means by which a state gained power over opinion.”(1) This definition includes overt methods such as political statements by leaders and publicly acknowledged media such as the BBC World... Read Article »

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