Chris Christie's Use of Hurricane Sandy in New Jersey's Gubernatorial Elections

By Celeste R. Aguzino
2014, Vol. 6 No. 12 | pg. 4/4 |



The findings of this study revealed an intersection between two distinct methods: Moral Foundations Theory and Five Leadership Models. Hurricane Sandy influenced the New Jersey gubernatorial elections by causing Governor Christie to adopt a harm v. care dichotomy and Visionary Motivator leadership style, both of which he applied to revitalize his 2013 reelection campaign strategy.

It is possible that a crisis situation, like Hurricane Sandy, causes generally conservative politicians to temporarily exhibit and emphasize more liberal moral foundations. Moral Foundations theorists should further study if different leadership models have propensities to exhibit certain dichotomies and how crisis change the prominence of different styles or roles. Understanding the relationship between Graham, Haidt, and Nosek’s Moral Foundations Theory and Cameron and Green’s Five Leadership Styles would further help business, media, and civic leaders understand their own approach to crisis while recognizing colleagues’ roles and skills.

This application has already been applied in the discussion of Chris Christie’s campaigns and his January 2014 political scandal. More exploration from the Five Leadership Styles theorists would allow more connection between leadership, temperament, and responsibilities. Elements of different moral foundations and leadership styles could be further evaluated to determine the most effective leaders for a given scenario. This study serves as a valuable learning and development resource for leaders’ crisis prevention, response, and management.


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Ferman, Barbara. 1985. Governing the Ungovernable: Political Skill, Leadership, and the Modern Mayor. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.

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Henderson, Nia-Malika; O’Keefe, Ed. 2013. “Republicans Slam Boehner for Delay on Hurricane Sandy Relief Measure.” Washington Post. Jan. 2 (Accessed December 2nd, 2013).

Letter from Wildstein’s Lawyer on Lane Closings. (2014, January 31). The New York Times. Retrieved July 13, 2014, from

Littlefield, R; Quenette, A. (2007). “Crisis Leadership and Hurricane Katrina: The Portrayal of Authority By the Media in Natural Disasters.” Journal of Applied Communication Research 35 (1): 26-47.

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Zernike, Kate. (2014, January 8). Christie Faces Scandal on Traffic Jam Aides Ordered. The New York Times. Retrieved July 13, 2014, from

List of Exhibits


  • Chris Christie Television Ad—“Corruption”
  • Chris Christie for Governor 2009 Ad “A Leader”
  • Chris Christie Television Ad “Leadership”
  • Christie Launches Campaign Speech
  • Chris Christie Campaigns in Woodland Park Speech
  • Catching Up With Chris Christie on the Campaign Trail Speech
  • New Jersey Gubernatorial Debate (10/01/09)
  • Christie Campaigns in Morristown Speech
  • Chris Christie Victory Speech (11/03/09)


  • “Leo” Christie for Governor Ad
  • “Frank” Christie for Governor Ad
  • Chris Christie: Right Direction TV Ad
  • Shaq Endorses Republican Chris Christie TV Ad
  • “The Difference” TV Ad
  • “Courageous Leadership” TV Ad
  • “Bipartisan” TV Ad
  • “Compassion” TV Ad
  • “Un Mejor Futuro, Mas Brilliante” TV Ad
  • “They Said” TV Ad
  • “Meet Barbara Buono” TV Ad
  • “Governor Christie: Real Leadership for State” TV Ad
  • “Getting the Job Done” TV Ad
  • Both Parties Could Use a Seminar Speech
  • Don’t Disappoint My 3rd Grade Teacher Speech
  • I’m Honored to Stand with These Men and Women Speech
  • It’s Been An Incredible Honor to Be Your Governor Speech
  • Put People Ahead of the Party Speech
  • This is a Historic Day Speech
  • This Isn’t a Job Anymore; It’s a Mission Speech
  • “I Love You, New Jersey” Victory Speech
  • 2013 New Jersey Gubernatorial Debate


1.) Gov. Corzine, Chris Christie trade barbs about lobbying histories ( Retrieved July 6th, 2014 from

2.) (n.d.)—New Jersey Local News. Retrieved July 6th, 2014, from

3.) (n.d.).—Political Surveys and Election Polls, Trends, Charts and Analysis. Retrieved July 6th, 2014 from

4.) Christie, Republicans slam Boehner for delay on Hurricane Sandy relief measure. (n.d.). Washington Post. Retrieved July 6th, 2014, from

5.) Bucci, Steven; Inserra, David; Lesser, Jonathan; Mayer, Matt; Slattery, Brian; Spencer, Jack; Tubb, Katie 2012. “After Hurricane Sandy: Time to Learn and Implement the Lessons in Preparedness, Response, and Resilience.” 12-15 (October)

6.) “New Jersey Governor” 2013. jersey/map. Retrieved November 6 2013.

7.) Steinberg, Arnold. 1976. The Political Campaign Handbook. Lexington, MA ; D.C. Heath Press. 42.

8.) Littlefield, R; Quenette, A. (2007). “Crisis Leadership and Hurricane Katrina: The Portrayal of Authority By the Media in Natural Disasters.” Journal of Applied Communication Research 35 (1): 42-45.

[9] Velez, Yamil; Martin, David. 2013. “Sandy the Rainmaker: The Electoral Impact of a Super Storm.” Political Science and Politics (April): 316-320. Accessed on November 11, 2013.

10.) Ferman, Barbara. 1985. Governing the Ungovernable: Political Skill, Leadership, and the Modern Mayor. Philadelphia: Temple University Press. 73-78.

11.) Ferman, Barbara. 1985. Governing the Ungovernable: Political Skill, Leadership, and the Modern Mayor. Philadelphia: Temple University Press. 130-135.

12.) Burling, W. Hyle, A (1997). “Disaster Preparedness Planning” Disaster Prevention and Management 6(4): 240.

13.) Bucci, Steven; Inserra, David; Lesser, Jonathan; Mayer, Matt; Slattery, Brian; Spencer, Jack; Tubb, Katie 2012. “After Hurricane Sandy: Time to Learn and Implement the Lessons in Preparedness, Response, and Resilience.” 17. (October) (November 11, 2013).

14.) Grafton, C; Permaloff, A. (2008). Liberal-conservative Conflict and Consensus in Policy Making.” The Social Science Journal 45, no. 4 (2008): 585-588.

15.) Graham, Jesse; Haidt, Jonathan; Nosek, Brian. (2009). “Liberals and Conservatives Rely on Different Sets of Moral Foundations.” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 96(5): 1030.

16.) Cameron, Esther; Green, Mike. (2008). Making Sense of Leadership: Exploring the Five Key Roles Used by Effective Leaders. Philadelphia, PA: Kogan Page Press. 11-17.

17.) Cameron, Esther; Green, Mike. (2008). Making Sense of Leadership: Exploring the Five Key Roles Used by Effective Leaders. Philadelphia, PA: Kogan Page Press. 36-40.

18.) Cameron, Esther; Green, Mike. (2008). Making Sense of Leadership: Exploring the Five Key Roles Used by Effective Leaders. Philadelphia, PA: Kogan Page Press. 20.

19.) Graham, Jesse; Haidt, Jonathan; Nosek, Brian. (2009). “Liberals and Conservatives Rely on Different Sets of Moral Foundations.” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 96(5): 1040.

20.) Cameron, Esther; Green, Mike. (2008). Making Sense of Leadership: Exploring the Five Key Roles Used by Effective Leaders. Philadelphia, PA: Kogan Page Press. 40.

21.) TV Ad, “The Difference,” 2013

22.) “Don’t Disappoint My 3rd Grade Teacher” Speech, 2013

23.) “Compassion” TV Ad, 2013

24.) “They Said” TV Ad, 2013

25.) Put People Ahead of the Party Speech, 2014

26.) Cameron, Esther; Green, Mike. (2008). Making Sense of Leadership: Exploring the Five Key Roles Used by Effective Leaders. Philadelphia, PA: Kogan Page Press. 108-112.

27.) Cameron, Esther; Green, Mike. (2008). Making Sense of Leadership: Exploring the Five Key Roles Used by Effective Leaders. Philadelphia, PA: Kogan Page Press. 40.

28.) Ferman, Barbara. 1985. Governing the Ungovernable: Political Skill, Leadership, and the Modern Mayor. Philadelphia: Temple University Press. 78.

29.) Cameron, Esther; Green, Mike. (2008). Making Sense of Leadership: Exploring the Five Key Roles Used by Effective Leaders. Philadelphia, PA: Kogan Page Press. 51.

30.) Cameron, Esther; Green, Mike. (2008). Making Sense of Leadership: Exploring the Five Key Roles Used by Effective Leaders. Philadelphia, PA: Kogan Page Press. 113.

31.) Cameron, Esther; Green, Mike. (2008). Making Sense of Leadership: Exploring the Five Key Roles Used by Effective Leaders. Philadelphia, PA: Kogan Page Press. 118.

32.) Zernike, Kate. (2014, January 8). Christie Faces Scandal on Traffic Jam Aides Ordered. The New York Times. Retrieved July 13, 2014, from

33.) Chris Christie’s Lane Shift: From Sarcasm to Outrage. (n.d.). New Jersey News. Retrieved July 13, 2014, from

34.) Walshe, Shushannah. (2014, February 3). Christie Says He ‘Unequivocally’ Had No Knowledge of Lane Closure. ABC News. Retrieved July 13, 2014 from http://

35.) Letter from Wildstein’s Layer on Lane Closings. (2014. January 31). The New York Times. Retrieved July 13, 2014, from

36.) Zernike, Kate. (2014, January 8). Christie Faces Scandal on Traffic Jam Aides Ordered. The New York Times. Retrieved July 13, 2014, from

37.) UPDATE 6-NJ governor’s internal investigation clears him in ‘Bridgegate’. (2014, March 27). Reuters. Retrieved July 13, 2014, from

38.) Jim Geraghty-Christie: “I am outraged and deeply saddened…I was misled.’ (n.d.). National Review Online. Retried July 13, 2014, from

39.) Cavaliere, Valerie. (2014, April 9). New Jersey voters see Christie’s internal bridge review as ‘whitewash’; poll. Reuters. Retrieved July 13, 2014, from

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